Replacing deprecated with this.selectedIndex · Sometimes we want to 'listen' to an event change of the select element....
Using destructuring to update an object's attribute · If you have an object like this : const default_object = { vehicle: 'car', color: 'red', ...
Let's look at an example of why getters (and so are also setters) are so useful. Let's say you have an AJAX call that you're using via fetch to...
Object destructuring and assigning it to an existing object's key:value pairs · Today I learnt something totally brand new in JavaScript from ChatGPT...
JavaScript Error Messages in Chrome vs FireFox vs Safari · If you initialize a variable like let applications = {} and assign a property of applications...
Using real JSON content-type to request and respond with · Very often, many developers, including myself in the past, normally all along we were using...